I Am Buried Here

I am buried here.

Cars drive by but they don’t know.

Children play around me but they don’t know.

Sometimes people stand on top of me but they don’t know.

I am buried here.

I used to belong to someone.

I used to have value.

How did I get here?

I am buried here.

Why isn’t someone looking for me?

Why doesn’t someone find me?

Am I not worth digging up?

I am buried here.

Maybe I should stay here.

Once I was shiny and new.

Now I am tarnished and old.

I am buried here.

I fell but no one noticed.

I am lost but no one cares.

After all….I am just a penny.

The Seven Day Challenge

7-day-challenge1I was nominated to do the 7 day/7 photo challenge by makingtimeforme.  This wonderful blogger has won multiple awards and each one is richly deserved.  If you haven’t already checked out her blog, please do.  She writes about a variety of things, and includes everybody in her posts.  She is a mom and a prolific writer but still finds the time to be a valued supporter of her many followers.

That being said and the challenge being accepted, I must disappoint.  I have no pictures that I can use for the challenge.  There was never a “family” picture taken which involved me, my children and Loser.  There are many “family” photos on my childrens’ and Losers’ Facebook pages but none of them include me.  They include the drunken grandmother and the WTC which is how it should be because they are now “the family.”

But that is okay.  If I had pictures of all the wonderful blogging friends I have who I now consider my family, I would be blessed beyond riches.

The Liebster Award #2

gold cup and wheat liebster

This is the second Liebster Award nomination I have received and I am just as honored as I was the first time.
Heartfelt thanks to makingtimeforme for the nomination.


  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2.  Display the Award
  3.  Answer 10 questions asked about you
  4.  Ask 10 questions from your nominees
  5.  Nominate up to 10 people for the award
  6.  Notify them via social media or a comment on their post


  1. What is your favorite blogging topic or inspiration?
    The inspiration for my blog was for therapy.  I had kept so many things inside after having suffered through a marriage to a narcissistic sociopath for almost forty years.  I decided to write about the experience.
  2.  What is your writing style?
    I would say it’s “flying by the seat of my pants.”  I had never written anything, other than letters and emails.
  3.  Who is your favorite book author?
    This is bad, but I don’t have a favorite author because I don’t read books.
  4.  What is your greatest achievement so far?
    I guess my greatest achievement so far is actually having survived (with or without functionality.)
  5.  Where are places you want to go?
    I would like to go to Ireland, Scotland and Israel.  I would love to see the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial, the 911 Memorial and Las Vegas.
  6.  What’s your motto in life?
    Be true to yourself.
  7.  When was the last time you did something for the first time?
    The last time I did something for the first time was when I had a Margarita with Loser.  Not being a drinker, I got hammered and threw up all over his car.  Yay me!
  8.  I want to be known as someone who?
  9.  Sunrise or Sunset?
    It used to be sunrise.  I would hit the floor running after having planned what I was going to do, be it make a quilt, paint a room or cut something out of wood.
    Now, it’s sunset.  The day is over and hopefully, my thoughts will succumb to restful sleep.
  10.  Best ice cream flavor?
    Again, I’ll be a disappointment.  I don’t care for ice cream.  When my mama had given everybody a bowl of ice cream but me, I asked her if I could have some.  She picked up her bowl, said “of course your royal highness” and smashed it in my face.


  1. What is your worst habit or vice?
  2. What do you collect?
  3. What is the one thing that immediately brings a smile to your face?
  4. Describe yourself in one word. 
  5. If you were passing by an empty house and the door was open, would you go in and look around?
  6. What is the strangest thing you have ever found?
  7. What is one thing you always wanted as a child and never got?
  8. Would you lie under oath to protect a friend or family member?
  9. If you saw a homeless person being abused, would you intervene?
  10. If you had to leave your home due to a natural disaster and could only take five things with you, what would they be?


  1.  acovertnarcissistswife
  2.  LAA-lifeafteradultery
  3.  thesilencedwife
  4.  hownottohatemyhusband
  5.  sunshinelifeforme
  6.  survivednarc
  7.  creativerational
  8.  savingshards
  9.  learningtolivelikewater
  10.  samlobos

*I would love to nominate annasnow but she is not a blogger.  She has been a faithful follower and sometimes her comments would leave me literally laughing my ass off.  She is as sharp as a tack and her wit is unparalleled.  So to you annasnow…a huge thank you!


The Versatile Blogger Award

versatile cup
I was honored to receive the Versatile Blogger Award.


  1.  Display Award
  2.  Thank the person who nominated you
  3.  Share seven facts about yourself
  4.  Nominate up to 10 other bloggers

A big thank you to makingtimeforme for the nomination.  Her posts show her sincerity and compassion as well as a delightfully playful side.  She has never posted a blog that has not held my interest to the very end and the variety of her posts keeps you coming back for more.


  1. I stand 5’5″ but with most of my shoes, I reach 5’10”.
  2. I have blonde hair (which is slowly turning silvery-white) and I have green eyes.
  3. I have a natural “beauty mark” on my right cheek.
  4. I have a tattoo on my left hip that reads “betrayed for a tramp…or two…or three.”  I have one on my right shoulder that reads “sometimes the person you would have taken a bullet for is the one who fired the shot.”
  5. I am left-handed.


  1. creativerational
    She is a sweetheart who offers endless comfort, support and encouragement even after her own devastating experiences.  She clearly thinks outside the box and wraps her arms around those of us who need it.  She will never fail or betray us and her words of wisdom are spoken out of love. She will never judge you or make you feel like you don’t matter.
  2. learningtolivelikewater
    She introduced me to “Pearl” (my crystal pendant.)  She is another sweetheart who offers the same support, compassion and understanding.  She good-naturedly accepts it when I slip out of character and say something completely off the wall and tries to gently guide me toward healing. She genuinely cares about others and shows it.
  3. savingshards
    She is yet another sweetheart who discovered that her husband had been living another life for 25 years, unbeknownst to her. Yet, she is always there with words of encouragement for others. Many times I have been uplifted after reading one of her comments and have therefore, made it through another day. She is truly a kind-hearted person.
  4. survivednarc
    She is an absolute gem who understands the damage done by a narcissist (as do so many women.)  She writes about “cyber boyfriends” and re-entering the dating world.  She quickly forgives me when my mind periodically strays to the “dark, smutty side” and finds the humor in my musings.  She loves my attempts at storytelling and encourages me in a way that I have never been encouraged before.
  5. thenarcissistswife
    She is a darling who understands trauma bonds and other effects of having been exposed to a narcissist.  She posts about how to heal and become whole again.  She extends hugs and hope to all of us and the desire to support and help is almost tangible in her comments.  She has a way of making you feel that you are important and valuable.
  6. samlobos
    Sam is a hoot, a holler and a Hi-De-Ho! She is a poetess and piques our interest when posting about her encounters with men.  She is delightfully honest and quite frankly, leaves us “wanting more.”  She is always willing to offer kind words of hope and understanding and has been a staunch supporter.
  7. robertmatthewgoldstein
    Robert is an insightful blogger who shares my abhorrence of the treatment of homeless people and the almost complete misunderstanding of mental illness.  He has experience with abuse from his mama and others.  He also posts beautiful artwork that will leave you trying to recover your eyesight momentarily.  He supports other bloggers by re-blogging their posts and gives open and honest opinions about things that matter.
  8. angelicakidd
    Angelica posts about life with an adoptive mama and the toll it took on her life, not to mention the physical and mental abuse she suffered from another source.  She has lived in Domestic Abuse Shelters and has struggled with alcohol but she is still able to see the beauty in things, such as the ocean.  She is a free spirit searching for healing and shows extraordinary strength by refusing to give up.