Treasure Trove Award



A big thank you to my friend Robert Matthew Goldstein for this award.

There are no rules.

You don’t have to do anything.

The Award is a gift of appreciation.

I’m going to take this opportunity to thank all of my followers and tell you how very much I appreciate your support and encouragement.  I really don’t know where I would be today, were it not for my “band of bloggies.”

I will also take this opportunity to vent a little.  I try to follow everybody who follows me.  Lately, I have noticed that I will click the “follow” option on the stat page and the next day for some reason, WordPress has decided that I don’t want to follow them anymore.  This has been happening for months and months.

Even readers that I have followed since almost the beginning of my blog, suddenly disappeared.  I didn’t know what had happened to them until I realized I had stopped “following” them.

I will get comments from some of my readers, saying “I’m going to try this one more time.”  I am not getting their comments nor are they getting mine.

When I was using Mozilla Firefox, WordPress crashed almost every five minutes.  I switched to Google Chrome and it only crashes every few days now.  (How am I supposed to continue my dark and twisties if WordPress keeps crashing?)

I don’t know how to fix this.  If anybody has any ideas you could pass along, I would be eternally grateful (as would others who seem to be having this same problem.)

My nominees:




Marshall W. Thompson, Sr.


Belle Papillon 24/7






Tikeetha T








Brian Lageose

There is no pressure to accept.



One Thanksgiving Long Ago

It was that time of year again.  The little girl was told that she would be allowed to go back home, although it would only be for a limited stay.  She would of course have to sign an agreement, stating that she would obey all the rules that had been set down by her mama and older sister, but she didn’t care what she had to sign.  She would be at home!

The rules were strict.  She wouldn’t leave her room unless she was told that she could.  She would ask permission before she ate or drank anything, even if it was just a glass of water.  It would be her job to wash the dishes after every meal and if she didn’t come to a meal immediately when she was called, she didn’t eat.

She would go to church.  That was absolute law and she was not to question why she was the only one who had to go.  It had been explained that she needed to go, so that maybe God could help her become a decent person.

It would be her duty to get up and fix her daddy his coffee every morning and make sure that her older sister got up in time to go to school but under no circumstances was she to enter her sisters’ room.

She was not to complain.  She had willingly and eagerly signed an agreement and she was being given a gift.  She should be grateful, she was told.

It was the only time of year when kinfolk would invade the house.  Her mamas’ half-sister and brother-in-law would drive up from Florida.  Granny would also be there.

Her daddys’ mama and papa wouldn’t be invited because her mama didn’t like them.  Even though the little girl lived with them, she was too young to understand how sad they must have been to have Thanksgiving by themselves.

The kitchen would be a flurry of activity and wonderful smells would begin to waft through every room of the house.  Her mama would be busy fixing turkey, dressing, sweet potato casserole, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, macaroni and cheese, and there would be cranberry sauce.  Cranberry sauce was her favorite.

There would be apple and pumpkin pies and this year, there was going to be an added desert…one her older sister loved.  Divinity fudge.

The table would be set and everybody would gather around to take their places.  Her uncle would say a prayer.  He was a Hell fire and brimstone Baptist preacher and acted the part, at least in front of the family.  After everybody filled their plates and sat down, she would be allowed to fill hers.  She wanted a taste of everything except the apple and pumpkin pies.  She had never liked either one of those.

After her plate was filled, her aunt would say “your eyes are bigger than your stomach, I’ll bet.  You should put some of that food back and not be so wasteful.”  The little girl would put some of the food back and then sit outside the kitchen and eat.  Her mama was a marvelous cook and everything was perfect.

She could hear chattering around the table.  She could hear everybody laughing and heard her older sister ask if she could have some more turkey.  She heard her daddy say “why, sure youngun’.  Help yourself.”

After the feast, she was told to do her job.  Everybody else went into the front room to chat a little more and savor some freshly brewed coffee.  There would be moans and groans about how they were as full as a tick and praise for the wonderful meal they had just supped.

The little girl would take the wooden ladder that her daddy had cut in half and put it in front of the sink.  Standing on that ladder was the only way she could reach it, and she had to wash the dishes.  That had been in the agreement she signed.

On one side of the huge farm sink, pots and pans were stacked so high she could hardly reach them.  On the other side were the dishes, glasses and silverware.

She carefully washed all the dishes, glasses and silverware and then dried them.  They were put away in the Hoosier cabinet and she needed the ladder to reach it, too.  The pots and pans were put in a drawer under the stove and it was to be done without making a “racket” as her sister had instructed.

It took hours to wash everything and by the time she had finished, her aunt, uncle and granny had left.  None of them had come into the kitchen to say goodbye to her.

After the last pot was put away, she walked into the front room and asked if she could have a piece of fudge.  Her sister looked at her and asked if she had paid for any of the ingredients.  The little girl hung her head and said no.  Her mama looked at her with an icy cold stare and asked her if she had helped in any way to make it.  Again, the little girl said no.  Her sister spitefully said “well then, you can’t have any.”

The little girl decided to break the rules and went into her mama and daddys’ bedroom without permission.  She humbly asked her daddy if she could have a piece of fudge.  When he asked her why she was asking him, she told him what her mama and sister said.

Her daddy got up and went into the front room and said “I pay for the goddamn groceries in this house and if this youngun’ wants a piece of fudge, she can have it.”

She knew she had angered her mama and sister and she knew that she would pay dearly for it later, but that piece of fudge was the most delicious thing she had eaten all day!  It was even better than the cranberry sauce!

She received her punishment the next morning, when her mama woke her up by throwing the drawer of knives, forks and spoons in her face.  She had left a piece of food on one of them, she guessed.  After the little girl gathered up all the silverware and put it back in the drawer, her mama dragged her by the hair into the kitchen.

When she got there, every pot and pan and every dish and glass was sitting on the sink for her to wash again.  The little girl guessed she had left a piece of food on everything.

She got the ladder out and put it in front of the sink.  As she started washing them, her mama while sitting in the chair with a switch, snarled at her and said “if you’d use your right hand, maybe you could get something clean for a change.”

The little girl quickly switched the dishrag from her left hand to her right hand.  She was careful to inspect everything she washed before she dried it and put it away.

When she went back to her room, all she could think was…Christmas was coming soon and she hoped that she would be allowed to stay until then.  She prayed and asked God to make her mama and daddy let her stay.

She believed in Santa Clause and Christmas was her favorite time of year.



R.I.P. Chucky

As I was driving home after having been trapped by hurricane Matthew, I remember being mindful that I would not take any of my suitcases or bags inside my house.

I had stayed in the Roach Motel for five nights and I was sure one of those dastardly little creatures had somehow weaseled their way into my belongings.  When I finally made it home, I hurriedly toted all the contents of my car straight into my house.  (I’m citing temporary insanity and eagerness to be at home.)

Sure enough, when I was emptying a plastic bag which held some of my dirty clothes, Chucky (a vile, nasty Palmetto bug) scurried out!  I tried to catch him but he was too fast and that little fucker made it into the kitchen.

I opened my back door and shook out all the rest of my clothes, determined to not allow Chuckys’ wife and children to take up residence in my house.

For the next several weeks, when I went into the kitchen at night and turned on the light, there was Chucky…sitting on the top of my dishwasher door….like he owned it!

He was taunting me….laughing at me while he wiggled his antenna and it looked as if they were keeping time as he mockingly sang “na na na na na…I’m in your house now!”

I don’t have any bug spray because I don’t have any bugs (except the occasional stinkbug that finds its way inside when it starts getting cold and believe me…they are called stinkbugs for a reason.)

I have heard that those little cocksucking Palmetto bugs multiply faster than rabbits.  Every night, he would be sitting there…laughing at me.  He might as well have had Leonardo DiCaprio’s face because he was obviously saying “catch me if you can” and I’m sure he was simultaneously sticking his tongue out at me.

I got my fly swatter out and took a swing at him but he scurried under the counter above the dishwasher.  He was bold…this one.  I think he had done this before.  After my futile attempts with the fly swatter, he didn’t even bother to run anymore…he knew he was too fast….or I was too slow.  He just sat there…watching me.  I think I heard him call me an idiot but I’m not sure.

Last night, Chucky was there again….interrupting my mental affair with Wentworth Miller, who was planning his prison break.  Once again, I got my trusty fly swatter but this time I didn’t swing.  I crept close, which was easy as Chucky was secure in his agility and Houdini-like expertise at escape.  Instead of swinging, I swept the fly swatter along the top of the door and off he came!

With one mighty stomp, Chucky was reduced to a blob of wings, antennae and guts on the kitchen floor!  I grabbed a paper towel, scooped up his remains and did a happy dance all the way to the garbage can.  Now I was the one doing the taunting and laughing.  “I knew I’d eventually get you, you little fucker,” I said.

R.I.P. Chucky.  Your ancestors might survive a nuclear holocaust but you won’t be around!

Mystery Blogger Award


“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts.  Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates.  They are one of the best out there and they deserve every recognition they get.  This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging and they do it with so much love and passion. – Okoto Enigma

The award was created by Okoto Enigma.  Here is the link:

A big thank you to Geminilvr at
She is a fellow Gemini who is, as she puts it, “navigating the waters of dating and relationships.”  She writes touching, poignant posts and make you feel every emotion she is feeling.  If you aren’t already following her, give her a visit.

Rules For The Nominees:

• Display the award logo on your blog. √

• List the Rules. √

• Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog. √

• Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well. √

• Tell your readers three things about yourself. √

• Answer five questions from the nominee. √

• Nominate anywhere from ten to twenty bloggers. √

• Notify the bloggers by leaving a comment on their blog. √

• Ask your nominees any five questions of your choice, including one weird or funny question. √

• Share the link to your best post. √

Three Things About Myself:

1.  According to Duke Energy, I use the least power of anybody in my entire area.
That must be why I am covered in bruises from running into things in the dark. 

2.  The sound of barking dogs affects me physically and psychologically.
It shoots my blood pressure all the way up to normal and makes me want to scream.

3.  I’m supposed to be a “water sign.”
I find that hard to believe since I don’t like to be around it, in it or on it and I really dislike the ocean.

The Five Questions Asked by Geminisilvr:

1.  If you were able to pick one dream location to live, where would you choose?
Either Scotland or Ireland.

2.  What is your favorite genre of music?
I like Celtic, classical and I like most of the oldies from the sixties.

3.  Besides blogging, what is a favorite activity of yours?
Talking to my RBS.

4.  What is one food you would never give up?
I could give up any food but it would be hard for me to give up water.

5.  If you could pick one superpower, what would it be and why?
I would be “The Mighty Warrior of Justice” because there is too much injustice in the world.

My Nominees:










Five Questions For My Nominees:

1.  Would you jump in front of a bus for a complete stranger?

2.  If you could go back in time and change one day in your life, which day would it be and why?

3.  What is your favorite word?

4.  The weird question:  If you knew you could get away with it, would you rob a bank?

I can’t do a link to my best post.  I think it’s yet to be written.