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Treasure Trove Award



A big thank you to my friend Robert Matthew Goldstein for this award.

There are no rules.

You don’t have to do anything.

The Award is a gift of appreciation.

I’m going to take this opportunity to thank all of my followers and tell you how very much I appreciate your support and encouragement.  I really don’t know where I would be today, were it not for my “band of bloggies.”

I will also take this opportunity to vent a little.  I try to follow everybody who follows me.  Lately, I have noticed that I will click the “follow” option on the stat page and the next day for some reason, WordPress has decided that I don’t want to follow them anymore.  This has been happening for months and months.

Even readers that I have followed since almost the beginning of my blog, suddenly disappeared.  I didn’t know what had happened to them until I realized I had stopped “following” them.

I will get comments from some of my readers, saying “I’m going to try this one more time.”  I am not getting their comments nor are they getting mine.

When I was using Mozilla Firefox, WordPress crashed almost every five minutes.  I switched to Google Chrome and it only crashes every few days now.  (How am I supposed to continue my dark and twisties if WordPress keeps crashing?)

I don’t know how to fix this.  If anybody has any ideas you could pass along, I would be eternally grateful (as would others who seem to be having this same problem.)

My nominees:




Marshall W. Thompson, Sr.


Belle Papillon 24/7






Tikeetha T








Brian Lageose

There is no pressure to accept.



28 thoughts on “Treasure Trove Award

  1. Congrats Laurel! I have no idea what to say about WP, but that it usually fixes itself after awhile. A couple of weeks ago all my comments on other’s blogs were going to spam and then after a few days it stopped. There are always issues with WP. Glad you received this award – well deserved my friend. 🙂


  2. I had a bug in WordPress this week, so I left a comment in their help forum. (I didn’t use the chat function, but I believe there is one.) A couple of nice people came to my rescue, one of them finally able to fix it. I think it took 3 or 4 days, but I was told it usually takes longer.

    But I’m not sure they can fix the “follow” problem. It’s been around a long time, in some form or fashion. Sometimes it’s a problem with a particular theme, but there doesn’t seem to be an easy fix. But it seems like they could fix the problem with your comments disappearing, so you might try the help forum. Nice people… mostly Canadian, I think. 🙂


  3. Congrats!!! hugs!! Sorry I have been M.I.A. from the blogging world. I can only say that work right now is about as crazy as a man chasing you with an axe!! (Think about the movie “The Shining” if that helps; that is how bad it has truly been)… I will try to catch up with bloggie peeps this weekend. I hope you are ok? I will check my email first chance I get. Many hugs! /S.


  4. Congrats Laurel and thank you for nominating me! As for Google – I don’t use chrome and I have never had any problems -I just use regular old Google. I have also never had a problem with Mozilla either but I rarely use it so that may be why.


  5. Thanks so much Laurel!

    As for the issues with WP. I have some too. I have no solution. I logged out and logged in again. What I noticed was that some of my replies were not received, while these bloggers tend to accept my replies prior. Some showed up later on…


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